

Why People Hire Us

Does any of this sound familiar? “I feel I have to markdown everything in order to sell it” “My sales volume is increasing, but I don’t have any cash!” You have more month than you have money. “How much is…

Celebrating The Creativity of Specialty Retailers

Celebrating The Creativity of Specialty RetailersAs the Holiday Season approaches, every retailer out there does something special or unique to attract customers to their store. Some use incredible decorations, others have wild promotions. There are also tons of in-store events…

Vendor Negotiations

Many retailers wonder how they can effectively work with their vendors to get help with goods that are not selling. What I can tell you, is that vendors do NOT respond to “It’s tough out there,” “The economy is killing…

Dan Jablons speaks about Open to Buy!

Happy to report that Black Friday sales were booming over the Thanksgiving Holiday; as well as, the Saturday, Nov. 24th sales supporting Small Business shops. I’ll be speaking with the Redondo Beach Chamber Economic Council this coming Wednesday, Nov. 28th,…