I’m thrilled to share with you a success story with our esteemed clients, Mike Higgins, from the renowned Post Ranch Inn. 

At Retail Smart Guys, our mission is to empower independent retailers with the tools and expertise they need to thrive in today’s competitive market. Hearing such positive experience reaffirms our dedication to excellence and motivates us to continue delivering exceptional service tailored to your unique needs.

In 2014, Post Ranch Inn embarked on a journey to revitalize their on-premise Mercantile Store. Taking over operations from a long-standing concessionary, they faced the challenge of reimagining the space and establishing efficient operating processes. That’s where Retail Smart Guys came in.

Mike Higgins recounts how they were repeatedly recommended Retail Smart Guys while networking within the retail industry. After meeting with me and my co-founder, Dave Leib, Mike expressed how he had found the perfect partner to elevate their shopping experience to match their world-class resort.

What sets Retail Smart Guys apart? Mike highlights our immediate impact, guiding Post Ranch Inn in selecting a POS system, implementing an open-to-buy/inventory planning process, and providing invaluable assistance with sales forecasting and cash flow planning. Our ongoing service agreement ensures that these processes are continuously refined to meet evolving needs.

Moreover, Mike emphasizes our deep understanding of the retail market and extensive professional network, which have been instrumental in shaping the success of Post Ranch Inn’s Mercantile Shop.

At Retail Smart Guys, we pride ourselves on delivering personalized attention and dynamic solutions to each of our clients. Mike’s satisfaction with our team’s dedication reinforces our commitment to excellence in service delivery.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mike Higgins and Post Ranch Inn for entrusting us with their retail journey. Your success is our success, and we are honored to be part of your story.

If you want to learn more about our services, contact us today. 

As always, we remain committed to supporting you every step of the way on your retail journey.

Warm regards,

Dan Jablons

Retail Smart Guys


Cell: 818-720-2585

Fax: 818-897-7223